Spill Your Guts #17- Transcript

"Dealing with Conflict"

Karyn (interviewer): So what do you think is the best way that Kids can handle conflict with their parents?.. I mean it's going to happen right?

I: Going into your room and slamming the door... It's not going to happen.

Z: Conversation is everything!

T: Talk to your parents... deal with it...deal...face it... talk to your parents and then get over it ya know?

(clip of If Only)

I: The ironic thing that I think between kids and their parents is what I find more and more in the relationship with my parents is that the differences that I have with them are related to the similarities that I have... Because.

Karyn: Really, How so?

I: Because I realize the more and more I get older the more and more I'm like my Father and I as much as I hate that that's the reality.  I am like my Dad and I have you know more conflicts with my Dad than my Mom and so you realize you know that it's just one of those things.  I think that's the thing that kids don't quite realize is that you know despite of those conflicts it's because you're not that different (from them.  Ike was cut off by a clip of If Only)

T: I think that parents uh every parent, you, we've done,  you've traveled around the world and see different countries and different beliefs, China Japan wherever, parents really care about their kids and they always will because there is an innate attachment whether you're a mother, father, whatever, you have kids and they would do anything trust me we know.

I: When it all comes down to it whether your parents are being over protective sometimes or not or whether they're or whether you feel they're not giving you enough freedom or something like that you know they really do in the end want what's best for you and that's whether they are you know saying don't go out and do this or don't go out and to that.

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